Welcome to Dean!
About Us
Welcome to Dean Middle School's website! We're thrilled to have you here. For the latest news and announcements at our campus and in CFISD, be sure to check out our News & Announcements page.
News & Announcements
Honoring all who served. Join us this Veterans Day, Nov. 11, as we remember and celebrate the bravery, dedication, and sacrifices of our nation's heroes.
Check out the 4th edition of our counselor's newsletter, Counseling Conversations.
We've Gone Cashless!
Pre-order your yearbook today!
Free breakfast and lunch for all students every day.
The CFISD Health Expo, underwritten by Memorial Hermann Cypress, is a partnership between Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District and the Chamber. It is a community event welcoming approximately 2,500 in attendance. Open to the public!